Scientific Association of Stress Management and Health Promotion

Nowadays, the widely used term "stress" indicates the great impact it has on the everyday life of modern people. According to estimations, stress is connected to approximately 50% of health problems, as well as the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle.

Stress management through proven scientific and non-pharmaceutical methods, aims at the development of new skills and strengthening, in order for people to be able to face successfully everyday life challenges, and to acquire the capability to control themselves, their health and their environment.

Within the framework of the new notion about health and aiming at health improvement, stress management and health promotion society holds bimonthly stress-management and lifestyle-change programs. The programs help in physical and mental improvement, as it is scientifically proven that stress and unhealthy behavior are associated with increased morbidity.

Those programs are suitable for people who wish to control stress (e.g., within their home environment, their studies, at workplace, their personal relationships etc.), because their physical health (e.g., headaches and other types of pain) or their mental health (e.g., intense anxiety, low self-esteem, loss of confidence etc.) is compromised, or for people who already experience a stress-related physical or mental disease, such as high blood pressure, depression, and other types of disease.

There are approximately 10 sessions within the program. The first 2 sessions include briefing on the program, taking down the participant's history and initial stress and lifestyle measurements (related to the subject of each program). At least 26 hours of presence are required for each participant: once a week for approximately 3 hours. All participants are provided with a modern blood pressure monitor in order to assess their blood pressure -which is directly associated with stress levels- as well as training on the scientific way of blood pressure measuring.

The next 8 sessions include training on scientific stress-management techniques, as well as lectures on various subjects. There can be individual or group sessions, depending on each participant's preference. After the end of the program, the initial measurements are re-assessed.
For those who wish further assistance, there is a possibility for extra individual sessions with the program's coordinators, in order to answer any questions, to discuss any issues that came up, as well as to further understand the implementation of the stress-management techniques. Moreover, individual and specialized stress-management methods learning programs are available.

For further information regarding the stress-management programs, please click on the list on the right-hand side of the page.