Scientific Association of Stress Management and Health Promotion

"Scientific Association of Stress Management and Health Promotion" is a scientific non-profit association, certified according to ΕΛΟΤ 1429:2008 and ISO 9001:2008. The founders are scientists from the general health sector, such as Faculty of Medicine lecturers, doctors, professors and "Stress Science and Health Promotion" post-graduate degree graduates, offered by the Faculty of Medicine of University of Athens. Most of the afore-mentioned professionals have been awarded high distinctions in regards with their academic, research and clinical activity by the international and Greek academic community.

The Chairwoman, Ms. Christina Darviri, Prevention and Health Promotion Professor, and Honorary Chairman, Professor of endocrinology Mr. Georgios Chrousos are also scientific directors of post-graduate degree "Stress Science and Health Promotion" by Faculty of Medicine of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, thus revealing a great experience on the subject. Their experience is summarized in their involvement in numerous stress-management and health-promotion intervention programs, where various groups of healthy individuals and patients participated.

An indicative example is the application of an "Intervention program for non-pharmaceutical high blood pressure treatment, with stress management methods to achieve change in lifestyle and adoption of healthy behavior, on high blood pressure patients", pertaining to OP "Human Resources Development 2007-2013".

Finally, it is worth noting the intense research activity, supported by numerous publications in international scientific reviews, concerning neuroendocrinology of stress, scientific measurement, diagnosis and treatment (e.g., Pythagorean Self-Awareness technique, progressive muscle relaxation etc.).